Magnet Parents Association
Mission Statement:
To support the entire Van Nuys High School Community by enhancing the quality of academics, extra-curricular activities and physical environment, and by improving communications with teacher, parents and students, as well as the surrounding community.
- To provide a regular communication vehicle, newsletter, web site, etc. between school and home.
- To inform and involve the surrounding community in school activities.
- To provide a forum for, and bring information to, parents regarding issues relevant to their children’s education and well being.
- To develop fundraising vehicles which will provide funds to facilitate the objectives of this organization.
- To provide meaningful volunteer opportunities for parents.
- To do all things necessary and proper to implement the responsibilities of the MPA as hereinafter set forth.
- Membership in the group shall be open to parents of students enrolled in the PA, Medical or Math-Science Magnets at Van Nuys High School, as well as administration and faculty members directly involved with the above magnets.
- All parents of Magnet students shall have voting rights.
- Administrators and faculty will have voice but no vote.
MPA Board Member Volunteer Job Descriptions