Magnet Office Personnel and Services
The Magnet Office
The Magnet Office is located just inside and to the right of the main entry doors off of Cedros Avenue. This office will take care of most of your Magnet student’s needs and concerns during their stay here at Van Nuys High. There are two full time coordinators and three dedicated counselors that service the magnet student population. There are also two excellent office managers that run the office and keep everyone and everything in order. This office oversees the day-to-day running and management of the three separate and distinct Magnet Schools on the Van Nuys High School campus.
- Office Phone Number: 818-778-6854
There are two full time Program Coordinators for our three magnet programs. Our total student population for all three magnets is about 1,000 students. Currently this is approximately 50% of the total school population at Van Nuys High School.
Ms. Elizabeth Torres, Science-Technology-Math & Medical Careers Magnet Coordinator
Ms. Fanny Araña, Performing Arts Magnet Coordinator
We have three full-time counselors who work with our magnet students. Since they work only for the Magnet Office and Magnet Students, they are able to provide a specialized experience and knowledge base to better deal with all your student’s concerns on a broad base of issues from scheduling & programming, to graduation advice, to individualized personal counseling.
Ms. Maria Gaytan, Math-Science Magnet (Grade 10-12)
Ms. Marcy Pellegrini, Performing Arts Magnet & Medical Magnet (Grade 10-12)
Mr. Michael Levy, Math-Science, Performing Art & Medical Careers Magnet (Grade 9)
Office Managers:
We are very lucky to have two of the best office personnel in all of LAUSD. They will most often be your first line of contact and be your most frequent contact persons. As everyone knows, or will experience, our office staff are outstanding and instrumental in providing the best service to both students and parents. They will always be available to help arrange a parent conference with any of your student’s teachers or answer any general questions you, or your student may have, or get you or your student to the right person.
Ms. Damaris Quintanilla, Sr. Office Tech
Ms. Victoria Fuentes, Office Tech