Work Experience » Resumes, Cover Leters, Portfolios

Resumes, Cover Leters, Portfolios

A quality portfolio and/or a resume gives our a better chance of getting that job!
You may download information to get that job from below!!

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is a reflection of YOU. They are a collection of material that allows another person to see your accomplishments, goals, and your best work. It allows others to see how you spent your time in high school. . It shows of your abilities, skills, knowledge, character, strengths, and qualities. It is a collection showing your experience, the things you like to do, and do the best. To others, it evidence of the past and shows your potential. A portfolio contains educational accomplishments, work-related information and includes representations of hobbies, team sports, volunteer activities, or other interests. 
Why is a portfolio worth your effort?
• Proof to others your skills, abilities and qualities.
• Clearly communicate your focus
• Prepare you for interviews
• Shows major projects completed or participated in
• It is vital to documenting your accomplishments and results

Why do you want to show your character, personal qualities and strengths?

Employers and others want to see qualities that indicate you have SCAN skills.

SCAN skills are more time-consuming to teach then specific job duties. These are the especially important for those with little work experiences.
SCAN skills information is in another pull down menu under Careers in the navigational bar.

What character, personal qualities and strengths do you want to show?

• Teamwork and people skills,
• Problem-solving, budgeting, and planning
• Organization
• Time management and discipline
• Motivation, persistence, responsibility, and dependability
• Helping your friends
• Extra-curricular projects (may require teamwork, problem-solving skills, teaching skills,
people skills).
• Being a member of team sports (requires energy, discipline, motivation, persistence,
• Contributing to your family (teaching, caring for siblings, cooking-all require planning
responsibility, dependability). 

What must be included in my portfolio?

• Resume
• Cover Letter or Letter of Introduction

What should be in your portfolio? (The items listed below are in correct order.)

Title page
Letter of Introduction
List of at least three references (no relatives)
2 letters of Recommendation
Attendance Record
Specialized electives such as ROP Classes
School Activities
Certificates and Awards
Writing Samples
Work Samples Reflecting your Talents
Scans Self-appraisal
Plans for Self Improvement
Final Transcript
Are formatting rules or other important details important to consider?
Yes and not following these simple steps will result in a negative outcome.
• Must be typed or computer printed
• Paper is 81/2 by 11
• Use high quality, plain paper
• Font should be Ariel or Helvetica, size 10 or 12
• Use block format
Resume, Cover Letter, and other Myths
Sample Resumes for various positions: