Special Education Office » Special Education at VNHS

Special Education at VNHS

Welcome to the Special Education Office!

Van Nuys High School offers various Special Education Programs, which are explained below:

AUT-A: This is a Self-Contained class. These classes are for students receiving a Certificate of Completion.

AUT-C: This is a Self-Contained class for 4 core classes. Students will take one Elective class in General Education as well as Physical Education. Students in this program will receive a Diploma.

SLD-SDC: Students in this program move from one teacher to another for various core classes. Students will take 4 core classes and a General Education elective class and a General Education Physical Education class.

RSP: Resource Specialist Program Students are in the General Education setting where they receive support from the Resource Specialist in their English and Math classes. The students can also take a RSP lab class to receive assistance with their assignments and work on organizational skills.

We are located in the Main Building next to the Library. If you have any questions, please call Gabrielle Liuzzi at (818) 778-6022 or email her at [email protected]