Work Experience » Career Tests

Career Tests

Success in school starts with choosing a Career Pathway that is of interest to the student.  Taking an Interest Inventory or Personality Test is one way to help a student identify careers that are specific to his or her preferences and skills.


Find careers that fit your personality!

  1.  CaliforniaCareerZone - There are three methods to discover which careers suit you. This Interest profiler is the most thorough. 
  2. California EDD - Has interest career test, occupational information, salary, and job info. 
  3. ONet - Career assessments and a complete data based of occupational information including worker characteristics.
  4. Career Cruising - This inventory is provided by LAUSD in the Digital Library and must be taken on a LASUD computer network. It allows you to create a portfolio to keep track of career results, GPA, student activities, colleges that interest you, awards, SAT/ACT test scores. It’s amazing! This link should take you to the page to select "Career Cruising"; 

Click on "Resources" at the top of the page. 
Click on "Digital Library" in the box titled "Featured Website". 
Click on "Career Cruising" .


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Kolbe A™ Index/Instinct Test

Self-Directed Search