Counseling Office » Volunteer Service

Volunteer Service

Volunteer Work

Students who commit to volunteering for one cause over a long period of time instead of trying many different volunteer opportunities will have an advantage when applying and being accepted to top universities.

“Do Something”, an organization that encourages young people to volunteer and contribute to their communities, surveyed admissions officers from 32 of the top universities in the country, ranked by US News & World Report.   Seventy percent of those queried said they prefer to see a student who sticks with one cause, not one who dabbles in a laundry list of volunteer opportunities.  Click Here to Read the Entire Article

Find Volunteer Opportunities

Medical Magnet Volunteer Requirement

Students enrolled in the Medical Magnet are required to complete a minimum of 100 hours of volunteer service in an approved medical facility.  It is recommended that students complete these hours during their 10th and 11th grade years.  Proof of completing these hours must be provided in order to successfully pass the Medical Magnet Senior Research Lab and to participate in the Graduation Ceremony. 

A copy of the Volunteer Hours Verification Log and a Directory of Approved Medical Facilities can be found at the bottom of this page.

USC Med-COR Program

Med-COR seeks to increase the pool of high school students of color committed to the pursuit of health professional careers.  The program seeks to develop a larger pool of disadvantaged students who are competitively eligible for admission to the most prestigious University programs designed to motivate, academically prepare and commit them to health careers.  Click Here to Learn More about the Med-COR.